Martedì 14 gennaio in Aula Dottorato alle ore 14:30
Antonio SEGATTI (Università di Pavia)
presenterà un seminario dal titolo
“On a heat flow for half harmonic maps”
In this seminar I will discuss some existence, via a Ginzburg-Landau approximation scheme, and (partial)-regularity results for the solutions of an (unusual) heat flow for half harmonic maps. This flow satisfies a monotonicity formula and is intimately related with the so-called heat flow of harmonic maps with free boundary.
This is a joint work with A. Hyder, Y. Sire and C. Wang.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare.
Gli organizzatori
Claudia Bucur, Mattia Calzi, Salvatore Stuvard